Thursday, January 14, 2010


No one is here to talk to me....
I feel lonely and left alone.... none of my friends are online, no one is here to talk to...
I'm bored I don't know what to do....
I wish I just have an eternal happy life. Life is hard. Now I'm thinking about my memories, my past, which is making me have emotions.
I don't know what to do anymore I just hope for eternal happy life.

Butterfly Symphony

Butterfly come into light. Oh, what a beautiful sight. Forever you're free with your Symphony that makes me calm forever with thee.
woah!!!. I made a poem???. Never made one though O_O;;; . I guess my mind is opening now XDDDD . Poems are kinda hard to make.... but maybe I have "some" chance to make one if I just concentrate, and be open-minded, and of course be positive.
Butterflies are pretty, they're all unique which reminds me of us. Humans. Everyone has a gift and were all different, we like different stuffs, different personalities, and etc...
I wonder why I just like looking at butterfly pictures, but not seeing a butterfly in real-life.
I guess maybe I just don't like going out that much.....
We live, laugh, cry, make mistakes, get angry, but were still a human who doesn't know where were going to be in the future. Butterfly Symphony (?!) .